1988, the conflict between Iraq and Iran is reaching its final stage. The ten-year-old Dileer and his sister Zienee want to watch cartoons on television, but that is easier said than done when bully Malo comes along...
Land of the Heroes shows us a day in the life time of the inventive Dileer and Zienee. They collect used weapons and ammunition in an abandoned war zone, so their mother Mirjem can clean and sell them in order to survive. When his task is done, Dileer just wants to watch his cartoons, but images of the war pop up on all channels. He just has to wait until the Saddam propaganda is finished. But when his aunt Zeyneb and Malo come along and Dileer finally takes revenge on bully Malo, he risks to miss his long awaited cartoons.
2011柏林国际电影节新生代单元,评委会奖,最佳短片奖 / Jury Award Best Short Film Generation, Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin.
2011釜山国际短片电影节,评委会奖,最佳影片奖 / Jury Award, Best Film, Busan International Short Film Festival, South-Korea.
2011新吉奥维罗纳的国际电影节,评委会奖,最佳短片奖 / Jury Award, Best Short Film, International Film Festival San Gio Verona.
2011迪拜国际电影节,评委会二等奖 / Muhr Arab Second Jury Price, Dubai International Film Festival.
Director Sahim Omar Kalifa was born in 1980 in Kurdish Iraq. He came to Belgium in 2001, where he worked as an interpreter and meanwhile studied Audiovisual Arts at the University of Art and Design Sint-Lukas in Brussels. With the successful short film Nan, his graduation project, he won a wildcard from the Flemish Audiovisual Fund (VAF) and was now capable of making his first professional short Land of the Heroes.
Land of the heroes is based on the director’s youth memories in the first Gulf War, between Iraq and Iran and is entirely shot on location in Iraq.
2006 Zwart Water, Jury Award Best Picture Melbourne Kurdic Film Festival.
2008 Nan, Wildcard VAF International Short Film Festival Leuven.
2011 Land of the Heroes, Jury Award Generation Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin.