
家庭 奇幻 冒险  美国  1995 

主演:Larry Brantley,Soccer the Dog,克里斯蒂·阿伯特

导演:Rick Duffield,Bert Guthrie


Wishbone the dog serves as a canine bridge between life and literature as he embarks on exciting journeys that include elements of action, adventure and comedy. In each of the 40 half-hour episodes, Wishbone the dog's escapades with the children and families of the fictional town of Oakdale, U.S.A., trigger a series of daydreams in which wishbone the dogs imagines himself as a character in signature modern-day scenes parallel the storylines from classic literature, emphasizing the timeless and universal themes explored in these classic tales.   有一年的暑假,我的每个下午都是在这只超级聪明可爱活泼顽皮自信搞笑又有点臭屁的狗狗的陪伴中度过的。


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