This is a collection of five satyrical short films, including little intermision talk:
1) "Kak Sozdavalsya Robinzon" (How Robinson was Created) - writer is comissioned to make soviet version of Robinson Cruzoe;
2) "Istoriya s Pirozhkami" (Incident with Pastries) - customer has problems paying for pastries, because he has eaten them before getting to the counter;
3) "Inostrantsy" (Foreigners) - about russian people who want to be more like western people;
4) "Priyatnogo Appetita" (Bon Appetit) - one episode for restaurant life;
5) "Pyos Baros i Neobchainy Kross" (Barbos the hound and Unusual Cross-country Race) - first appearance of later famous Morgunov/Nikulin/Vitsin trio in tale about fishing with dinamite instead of fishing rods