比如,意大利都灵的宫门卖场,摊主会告诉你菜蓟蘸什么料好吃;匈牙利布达佩斯的中央大市场有着100多年的历史,建筑本身就是一处景点; 而在德国弗莱堡的明斯特市场,你会找到特别的食材——白芦笋……
Ep1 Torino - Porta Palazzo
One of Europe's biggest open-air food markets, Turin's Porta Palazzo, is a vibrant core of fresh smells, bright colors, and lovely people.
Ep2 Budapest - Központi Vásárcsarnok
Nestled in an impressive three-leveled building, picturesque Budapest's central indoor market is not only one of the largest but also one of the most elegant food destinations in Europe.
Ep3 Vienna - Naschmarkt
With more than one hundred food and vintage stalls plus numerous restaurants, the popular Naschmarkt--Vienna's vast 16th-century food market--is a colorful culinary destination.
Ep4 Lyon - La Croix Rousse
Located on a hill in the city of Lyon, the neighborhood of La Croix-Rousse (Red Cross), is the town's coolest district, and one of the best itineraries of taste.
Ep5 Barcelona - La Boqueria
According to many, La Mercat de Sant Josep de la Boqueria, or simply, La Boqueria, is the best public food market in the Ciudad Vieja and a tourist's ultimate destination in Barcelona's La Rambla.