
未知 中国大陆  2010 




影片概述 . . . . . .   历经多年,我对胶带的研究和使用达到了痴迷和疯狂的境地。   我在舞台上再现、在生活中撕扯、在思想深处胶着……无处不与它共鸣、共生。   在中国这样一个魔幻国度中,我的所作所为注定成为荒诞中的荒诞,以及最终走向徒劳与尴尬。   随着国家大事件的不断发生,我被卷入各种极端行为中,   在那里,我终于用自己的身体把“现实”重构,达到了与“超现实”浑然一体的艺术境界。   但最终,我成为一张照片,被社会的力量贴向一张求职表格,被迫地运行于国家机器之上。   After many years, my research into the use of tape reached the point of obsession and madness: it was the focus of my life everywhere, on the stage, in my works and in the depths of my thoughts...   In China, a land of magical illusions, what I am doing is destined to become ridiculous and absurd.   Through encounters with the occurrence of major events in many countries and my own extreme behavior, I have finally accomplished the marriage of reality and surreal art into a seamless realm.   But in the end, I've become yet another photo pasted on an employment form, forced to function in society as part of the machine.   导演阐述 . . . . . .   这是一部纪录片,因为它记录的是我的精神生活,而非传统纪录片的表面真实。   这是一部剧情片,因为再好的编剧也想象不出那些离奇的情节与发生的巧合。   这是一部实验片,因为它的内核是一种无畏探索的实验精神,而不在于表面形式。   历时5年,3次搬家(包括被拆迁),4次电脑损坏,2次被审查,   30多个人当过过摄影师,演员换了4拨人,身体受伤无数…….   倾囊而出、砸锅卖铁……   我已经把自己变成胶带了,牢牢贴在《胶带》上面。   作完这个东西,我算是对自己的半生有个交待。   This is my self-portrait,   which I do not want to face,   but it belongs to my life.   Last for five years,After moved three times(including been demonlished)And four-time computer broke downInvestagated by the policeman twice,And four groups of actors changedCountless wounds......There's no exaggeration when said working my heart out,And I have changed myself to be a tape,which firmly stick to the my film Tape.   Finishing this, I could hand a good answer to my life.


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