
剧情  秘鲁  1961 

主演:Judith Figueroa,Victor Chambi,Lizardo Pé

导演:Luis Figueroa,Eulogio Nishiyama,César Villanueva


历史上第一部完全用奇楚亚语拍摄的影片。   This was the first film recorded in Quechua and marks the beginning of cine andino (Andean cinema). During the fiesta of Paucartambo, 15-year-old Kukuli (played by Luis Figueroa's sister Judith) is pursued by the evil bear Ukuku (played by Perez Aranibar). Based on an Andean legend. This was the first full-length film made by Cine Club Cuzco, which, like Sanjines in Bolivia, strove to create a cinema by and for the indigenous community. Soundtrack by Armando Guevara Ochia, Leopoldo La Rosa, Castro Pinto, and Cazorla.


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