
剧情 纪录片 短片  日本  1969 


导演:金井勝 Kanai Katsu


收录日本地下电影导演金井勝的全部4部长片及两部纪录片,dvd-r 21G。   アングラ映画の帝王と称される金井勝は、日本におけるシュルレアリスム映画の完成者である。凡庸な監督は理屈だけで作品を作るが、金井勝は理詰めで考え抜いたのちに、一度そのイメージを“無意識”にゆだねて発酵するのを待つ。このため金井作品は観客の“無意識”に作用し、一生忘れられない不意打ちの痙攣的映像を刻印する。金井勝は稀に見る天才肌の芸術家である。  那田尚史(映画研究者)   Kanai Katsu, who reputed as the emperor of the underground films, is the filmmaker who perfected the surrealism movies in Japan. A mediocre director makes a work with only reason. But Kanai Katsu is different. After intense consideration of his ideas by reason he leaves it with "unconsciousness" for a while and waits for it to ferment. Therefore his works act on "unconsciousness" of the audience and impress them as the convulsive image of unforgettable surprise throughout their life. Kanai Katsu is a rare genius of an art that only few can attain his extremity. Nada Hisashi(scholar of movie)


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