
纪录片  苏联  1990 

主演:Anna Akhmatova,Lidiya Chukovskaya

导演:Semyon Aranovich


Russian poet Anna Akhmatova became the conscience of a generation under the brutal repression of Josef Stalin. In examining the life and art of this courageous woman, THE ANNA AKHMATOVA FILE offers a portrait of a beloved artist and a powerful examination of a violent era in the former Soviet Union.   Using rare film footage, interviews, diary entries, and photographs, director Semyon Aranovich (Sonata for Viola) examines the heart of Akhmatova and the soul of this contradictory era in which Anna s poem Requiem became the underground anthem for the millions who suffered under Stalin. Also included is footage of her 1966 funeral, though the footage was confiscated and Aranovich waited more than 20 years to complete the film.   The film also offers interviews and commentaries on Akmatova s friends and contemporaries, including Boris Pasternak (Dr. Zhivago), Vladimir Mayakovsky, and Mikhail Sostchenko.   于在JOSEF STALIN残暴的镇压下的那一代人来说,ANNA AKHMATOVA是他们良知的代表.通过注视这位无畏女子的生活和艺术,ANNA AKHMATOVA档案给予了我们一幅倾于爱的艺术者的肖像和昔日苏维埃,那个风云时代一道明重的省视.semyon aranovich收集了珍稀的胶片片段,访谈,日记和相片来品看AKHMATOVA的心境.在STALIN当权下,她安魂的诗歌成为苦难万众地下赞歌和那个矛盾时代的魂灵.同样的,女诗人1966年的葬礼片段也悄然其中.尽管被当时的政府所没收.SEMYON还是等待了超过20年的时间,等待这个葬礼来完成自己的尊重之情.   同时收录了AKHMATOVA的朋友,同代人之间的谈话和评述.他们有: Boris Pasternak (帕斯杰尔纳克),Vladimir Mayakovsky(马雅可夫斯基)和Mikhail Sostchenko.


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