
短片  中国大陆  2016 




剧情简介 Synopsis   一群小朋友在玩捉迷藏。小雷藏得最远,最好。他坐在河边,没有人找到他,一晃过了二十年……   A group of children are playing hide and seek. Lei goes the furthest. He sits by the river and nobody finds him. 20 years pass in the blink of an eye.   导演阐述 Director's Statement   捉迷藏是一种焦虑的游戏。你害怕被人找到,你也害怕没人找到你。你必须藏起来,又不能藏得太深,以至于没人能找到你。在这种默契中,游戏不会变味,社会也能如常运转。当一些偶然因素叠加,一个不幸的人跌出了这一轨道。日常生活就此变成了梦魇。   Hide and seek is a game that can make people anxious. You are afraid to be found by others and also afraid nobody will find you .You have to hide yourself and also can not hide too well. It is just like life.If someone violated the rules of mutual understanding life would be a nightmare.   电影人介绍/The Filmmaker:   仇晟,生于杭州。清华大学工学学士,香港浸会大学MFA毕业。风格乖张,自成一派,致力于寻找电影新的可能。个人短片作品《Winterstare》,《高芙镇》等曾于中国独立影像展,Premiere Plans d’Angers等影展获奖。曾于2015年入选金马电影学院。   Qiu Sheng was born in Hangzhou. He graduated from Tsinghua University as Bachelor of Engineering and MFA from HKBU. Among others, his films "Winterstare" and "Golfville" got awards from China Independent Film Festival, Premiere Plans d’Angers and many more. His film was selected by Taiwan Golden Horse film academy.


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