杰伊和金是长期的对手和坚持不懈的朋友。如果不互相辱骂或严厉的一瞥,他们就看不到对方。当杰伊预见到金的死亡并最终在车祸中丧生时,他在康复期间不情愿地被交给金照顾。最终,他意识到没有他的生活是多么的不可能。~~改编自网络小说《nai khrai wa jj mai thuk Kan》(ไหนใครว่าเจเจไม่ถูกกัน?)by My feline.。
Jay and Jinn are longtime rivals and persistent friends. They can't see each other without exchanging insults or a harsh glance. When Jay has a vision of Jinn's death and ends up in a crash, he's unwillingly put into Jinn's care while he recovers. In time, he comes to realise how impossible it would be to live without him.
~~ Adapted from the web novel "Nai Khrai Wa JJ Mai Thuk Kan" (ไหนใครว่าเจเจไม่ถูกกัน?) by My feline.