跟随来自尼泊尔的神秘夏尔巴族登山家天智(Sherpa Tenji)与法国职业登山摄影师约翰·格里菲思(Jonathan Griffith),一路徒步,探索珠穆朗玛峰。
途中绝壁陡崖林立、冰沟暗河丛生,为完成已逝好友的心愿,他们将挑战在无氧条件下攀登珠峰。这在历史上只有1 75人做到过,而失败的案例远比成功的要多得多。让我们同他一起,穿越拥有全球最高海拔的珠峰“死亡地带”,亲历这场艰难而神圣的攀登之旅。
On the 30th April 2017 world famous climber Ueli Steck died on Mount Nuptse whilst acclimatising for one of his biggest climbs yet - climbing both Mount Everest and Mount Lhotse without the use of bottled oxygen. A year later, Ueli's close friends Jon Griffith and Sherpa Tenji attempted to finish off his project. Tenji would try the climb without bottled oxygen whilst internationally award-winning cameraman Griffith captured the story in 8K 3D Ambisonic Audio Virtual Reality. Only 175 people have ever stood on earth's highest point without the use of bottled oxygen; more people have been in to space than have accomplished this feat. Whilst Sherpa Tenji has already summited Everest without the use of bottled oxygen before, would he have what it takes to do it again? Follow him as he climbs higher and higher into the Death Zone, an area that contains so little oxygen that his body cannot survive for long; it's a race against time. Join them for one of the most immersive adventure ...