Madonne is a short film written and directed by Maurizio Lombardi.
“… a whisper of hearts coming from opposite directions so far apart that at first, it seemed impossible to themselves to meet each other …”
Through a glimpse of Florence from the tramway, we witness a meeting on our way back home.
It could be today, yesterday, or Tuesday. It merely is now.
As our gaze surfs humanity without dwelling in-depth, we see her waiting. The excitement betrays the strength of her feeling. And while we – humanity – become aware of them, implacably we lay our gaze, we judge, we stare. In response, they stare at us, their gaze penetrates us, disarms us, envelops us, does not leave us.
Two very young actresses Sofia Pieroni and Livia Coppetti, are both talented and intense. They make their gaze a dialogue and a monologue, criticism and an answer, forgiveness and growth.
Madonne is a delicate short film that speaks of love, change, acceptance, and of that miracle that is the encounter.
Maurizio Lombardi, who took care of screenplay and direction, is the eclectic Florentine artist whose career starts from the theatre and crosses cinema and television. He is not new to writing, ranging from plays, musical comedies, and one-man shows, nor to directing.