「演」與「故事」是什麼關係?「演」和「故事」,哪個先有?「演」在故事裡處於什麼位置?為了探討兩者微妙的關係,許雅舒導演以暫名為“New Age”的一系列影片出發,而《在藍》便是實驗的開頭。是次導演透過鏡頭觀察和記錄幾位和「演」有著微妙關係的女性朋友,包括Jessey, Siuman, Ar Fee 和小丁,跟隨她們踏足紐約、香港及東京,所發現的並非完整的故事,卻是各自各的「演」:被凝視的她們在努力的演出,而拍攝者自己,又何嘗不是正用鏡頭在演?本片以紀實為由,卻又從何肯定:鏡頭前,鏡頭後,都不外乎是一幕接一幕的戲呢?
What is the relationship between ‘performing’ and ‘story’? Which comes first, ‘performing’ or ‘story’? How ‘performing’ should be positioned in a story? Director Rita Hui attempts to look into these questions by documenting her female friends, Jessey Tang, Siuman Ko, Ar Fee and Siu Ding, who all have a subtle relationship with ‘performing’. Thus comes ”In Blue”, the start of the experiment and the first story of New Age (working title). And yet does documentary, by nature, guarantee reality without the slightest performance? What if the performers not only include the documented objects, but also the subject who is holding the camera?