
未知 美国  2010 




你所浪费的今天是昨天死去的人们眼中奢望的明天。PBS纪录片《面对死亡》,为您讲述重症监护室里的人情冷暖,绝症患者面对死亡的绝望,抗争的勇气,以及家人和医生面对的生死抉择。   【官网介绍】How far would you go to sustain the life of someone you love, or your own? When the moment comes, and you’re confronted with the prospect of “pulling the plug,” do you know how you’ll respond?   In Facing Death, FRONTLINE gains extraordinary access to The Mount Sinai Medical Center, one of New York’s biggest hospitals, to take a closer measure of today’s complicated end-of-life decisions. In this intimate, groundbreaking film, doctors, patients and families speak with remarkable candor about the increasingly difficult choices people are making at the end of life: when to remove a breathing tube in the ICU; when to continue treatment for patients with aggressive blood cancers; when to perform a surgery; and when to call for hospice.


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