
纪录片  日本  2022 


导演:斉加尚代 Hisayo Saika


Japan’s textbook examination system is meant to allow non-government entities to freely create textbooks in alignment with the country’s criteria, but there is actually a lack of freedom. Some invisible pressure is applied through the government’s authority, forcing textbook production to follow their wishes.In 1997, military comfort women were written about in all middle school history textbooks, but right-wing politicians heavily rallied against this. One long-established publisher was attacked, and it eventually went bankrupt for writing about the damages inflicted by the Japanese army in detail.As political pressure grows, there are even plans to rewrite the terminology of history based on the Japanese government’s point of view. Political interference in textbooks is growing. This film documents how the government’s destruction of textbooks, academics, and education has progressed, based on testimonies by politicians, textbook writers, teachers, and other involved parties.


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