Get Home Safe

短片  德国  2022 

主演:Dena Abay,Matthias Gärtner,Linda Stockfl

导演:Tamara Denić


Fear as an old acquaintance and constant companion on the way home at night. Whether it’s pepper spray, keys in hand or self-defense classes at school – us women* are trained from an early age that the street is not a safe place for us at night. Every third woman* has already been followed on the street. Every tenth woman says she has already been the victim of sexualized violence on the street. And the number of unreported cases is much higher. Regardless of age or social class, every woman* is exposed to potential danger. Yet this problem is still communicated and educated about far too little, even though violence against women* is not just a “women’s problem”. It is a structural problem that is everyone’s business.


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