
未知 土耳其  2018 


导演:Abdullah Şahin


伊利亚斯和阿米特是一对密友,叙利亚难民埃米尔也成为了小团体的一员。 伊利亚斯想参加当地足球队的选拔赛,并且正在存钱买新球鞋。埃米尔也有 同样的梦想。伊利亚斯看到父亲为埃米尔一家偿还了他们在杂货店的债务, 为了能让埃米尔也参加选拔赛,伊利亚斯把自己的新球鞋送给了他。然而,伊 利亚斯自己的球鞋却坏了。鞋匠借给伊利亚斯一双大码球鞋作为代替。选拔 赛当天的清晨,伊利亚斯的一只球鞋掉到了河里。就在他和阿米特试着捞鞋 时,埃米尔的举动震惊了他们。   Synopsis:   Ilyas and Ahmet are two close friends. Emir, Syrian refugee completes the gang. Ilyas wants to make the tryouts for a local football team and saves money to buy new cleats. Emir shares his ideal. After seeing his father pays the debts of Emir’s family at the grocery store, Ilyas gives his new cleats as a gift to Emir in order to join to the tryouts. However, his own cleats tear up just after. The shoemaker gives him a bigger cleats temporarily. The tryouts morning one of Ilyas’ cleats drops to the river. When Ilyas and Ahmet try to take it out, Emir surprises them with what he’s done.


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