BBC 硅谷之父

未知 英国  2009 

主演:Robert Noyce(罗伯特.诺伊斯)



英特尔公司创始人罗伯特·诺伊斯素有“硅谷之父”美誉,诺伊斯被公认为硅谷的托马斯·爱迪生和亨利·福特,他是一位才华横溢的发明家、一位举足轻重的企业家、一位勇敢无畏的冒险家。他生前享有17项专利,身后更是荣耀无数,甚至被誉为是另一位“美国的缔造者”、“战后最伟大的美国人”。   本纪录片讲述了硅谷之父罗伯特.诺伊斯,这位数字世界的神人。回顾了硅谷创建之初那段艰难的日子,及诺伊斯是如何创建了现今占全球微处理器市场八成以上份额的英特尔公司。诺伊斯明晰了硅谷的创新性、突破性的文化氛围,就连苹果和穀歌公司都受到这种思想的影响。   The Podfather   Synopsis   Documentary telling the story of silicon chip inventor Robert Noyce, godfather of today's digital world.   Re-living the heady days of Silicon Valley's seminal start-ups, the film tells how Noyce also founded Intel, the company responsible for more than 80 per cent of the microprocessors in personal computers. Noyce defined the unconventional, innovative culture of Silicon Valley - the likes of Apple and Google would be influenced by his egalitarian management style, which was inspired by his religious upbringing.   Podfather shows why Noyce may be the most important person most people have never heard of. Contributors include industry giants Gordon Moore and Andy Grove.


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