
纪录片 音乐 歌舞  新西兰 美国  2014 




These senior citizens may each be almost a century young, but for Kara, (94) Maynie (95) and Terri (93) the journey to Las Vegas and the World Hip Hop Dance Championships is just the beginning of a life's journey. And along with twenty-seven other nonagenarians they defy the odds and hip-hop their way into the hearts and minds of thousands of young fans from around the world. Led by their exuberant and 'I must have been mad,' manager Billie Jordan they learn to throw away their wheelchairs and walking sticks and push their bodies and artificial joints to the absolute limits of old age. ' You're all going ...even if its in an urn" she tells them. But there's 'only sixty dollars in the bank,' and its not easy when you 'don't really like the music' and all can do is 'worry about how to get your socks on.' But with the help of Billie ' I've never danced in my life ' and young hip hoppers from Street Dance New Zealand they begin to believe. Along the way we hear how these extraordinary ...


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