
剧情 短片  韩国  2020 

主演:Myungseok Chae,Dabit Han,Seongtae Kim

导演:Youngyun Song


根据缅甸籍在韩务工者苏拉(Thura)的个人传记改编。透过的视角,揭露了韩国针对外来务工者的种种苛刻条款与不公待遇,以及他作为社会少数群体所承受的生活重压。相较之下,童年的美好回忆、故土的淳朴乡情,还有那里连绵雨季所结下的“雨的果实”都让他无比思念。苏拉把尖刻的社会问题以诗意的字句呈现,将一切娓娓道来,平淡温柔的叙述更引人追寻言语深处涌动的情感浪潮。   影片在实拍的基础上,采用数字艺术对画面进行重构,以纤弱的丝线刻画人物场景,细细看去仿佛根根雨丝晶莹闪动。这暗合了苏拉所怀恋的缅甸之雨,也让一切都浸染上淡淡的哀色。   "Rain Fruits" is based on a personal writing of Thura, an alien worker from Myanmar in Korea. As a foreign worker and an observer of Korea, Thura depicts social inequalities and discrepancies against alien workers while sharing his poetic comments on the glamour and dark sides of the modern capitalist society. Using empathetic power of VR and the poetic quality of volumetric point cloud imagery, creators of this project wish the audience to become Thura and experience the anger, sadness, alienation and nostalgia of an alien worker in a foreign country. Not just in Korea, but anywhere in the world. In this ever-changing capitalist world, everyone is an alien.


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