
未知 中国台湾  2005 




《遠離台北》的原始概念來自完全不用台北景觀來呈現這個城市與台北人的經驗,因而產生對必須離開台北的移民/留學/旅行等議題的探索。二十六位有能力選擇面對去留的受訪者在親密的近距離逼視下,如鬼魅般忽隱忽現,述說著離開台北的心情與內心糾纏,這些人時而獨語;時而對話,堆疊著一種呼之欲出的集體狀態,又立即被各自互異極端的觀點打破,跟隨一座座移動的國外城市超速地左右橫移,城市之間不斷撞擊、跳躍,漸漸遠離模糊難辨的城囂,飛入不確定的天際。《遠離台北》裡,留下的想離開離不開;離開的想回來回不來。四組視覺元素層層交疊、互補與影響;四組聲音相互煽動、渲染與干預,交匯成一段關於去留選擇、充滿內在矛盾與不確定性的旅程。   The original concept of “exTAIPEIit” began with presenting the city and people of Taipei without showing Taipei landscape, and it evolved into an investigation of migration/study/travel issues related to leaving Taipei. Twenty-six interviewees who are in position to make the choices are under the scrutiny of a close-distance camera. Their ghostly images flash on and off the screen telling their personal stories and struggles, aggregating a revealingly collective state of being before breaking away again by polarized perspectives. One after another, identified foreign cities speedily fleet across the screen, clashing and bouncing, then, the image derailed from the gradually unrecognizable urban jungle. In “exTAIPEIit”, some who crave to leave stay, and others who crave to come back remain away. Four layers of visual elements pile on one after another to compensate and induce; four layers of audio tracks provoke, seduce and intrude each other. Together they construct a journey of a wandering heart full of contradiction and uncertainty.


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