Pierre Clementi(1942-1999)自导的一部短片。很多人知道Pierre Clementi是因为他是法国影史上著名男演员之一,虽然他和世界各国的导演都有过很多合作,他曾经主演的作品有贝托鲁奇的《伙伴》《同流者》,帕索里尼的《啄豚屋》,布努艾尔的《银河》《白昼美人》,罗查的《被砍下的头颅》,莉莉安卡瓦尼的《食人族》,扬索的《和平者》等等,还曾在加里尔的先锋电影《内心的伤痕》中出演牵马人一角。他演出的电影风格多样,涉猎广泛,但很少有人知道他也是一位出色的实验电影导演。克雷门蒂被人称为是法国的Kenneth Anger,他导演的作品不多,但和美国导演安格的作品一样充满着神秘而怪诞的影像,明显受六七十年代迷幻运动和地下电影的影响很深。这部《太阳》据说是他个人最满意的作品之一。
Soleil (1988) is Clementi's favourite among his own works. I understand it forms a cinematic complement to his autobiographical final play, Chronique d'une mort retardee / Chronicles of a Delayed Death, a search for beauty and meaning in his life in the form of lengthy monologues, again, to the accompaniment of a wealth of images, trembling, superimposed with each other and with the author's thought processes. Clementi at his most vulnerable and Rimbaud-esque (refer to
Jeunesse from Illuminations).