Beyond the edges of the frame influential filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky give the viewers a sense of time passing, time lost, and the relationship of one moment in time to another.
Broadcast on BBC2 Arena, 13 March 1987. Contains interview footage with Tarkovsky as he discusses each of his seven major films. He also talks about his world-view and his philosophy of filmmaking.
Tarkovsky candidly and articulately discusses the difficulties of making films under the censors of the Soviet Union. He explores his aesthetic ideology, filmmakers he admires, and his eventual self-exile from Russia. He talks about recurring images in his movies - water, horses, fire, snow - but adamantly refuses to divulge what they mean, as he feels that would impose his own meaning onto the audience. At times cagey and resistant to interviewers, Tarkovsky nevertheless reveals his vision and his rigorous devotion to his art.
The film also includes footage of a Tarkovsky lecture to young film students in which he expresses his thoughts on modern cinema. Tarkovsky's widow Larissa is also interviewed. Contains no original Tarkovsky footage/interviews.