Sigur Rós 给了许多电影工作者相同的经费预算,请他们把听到每首新歌,第一个脑海里浮现的画面给拍摄出来。这个实验计划的点子,是要影片工作者能够抛开席格若斯的认同,让他们能够呈现最有创意的一面,这项计划的影片制作人有 Ramin Bahrani、Alma Har'e l、Joh n Cameron Mitchell 以及 Ryan McGinley。席格若斯不想要事先在专辑出来之前先有任何的预先立场,也不想告诉听众如何去感受和从这张专辑获得到什么,当然团员没有人会知道导演将会拍出些什么影片给他们。
导演评论:when i listen to varúð i feel this overlap and struggle between sadness and beauty, between darkness and light. an overwhelming feeling of being buried in darkness but being just barely able to escape into the light, if you try hard enough. this is the feeling i've tried to bring to the video.
a huuuuge thanks to the cruz twins and to crew for kicking so much ass with the limited resources we had, in conditions that were not the easiest. i'm in awe of you guys!
导演简介:born in iceland in 1982, björn flóki got his first camera on his 8th birthday. he's been taking photos and making videos ever since. in april 2000 he co-created the sigur rós website, which he still co-manages today.
björn recently finished his graduate film studies in new york city and is currently developing his documentary 'drag dad,' a film about a 24 year old single father supporting his family as a professional drag queen performer. björn now resides in seattle with his boyfriend and co-creator of varúð, pétur valsson.